A fresh look on my Page

It’s been a while that i’ve touched my main homepage, initially it was a basic blog page that that I wanted to put some thoughts and notes, and now after a few years, I was bored and just want to change. It started by shifting the blog area to my subdomain so that I can… Continue reading A fresh look on my Page

Android App Components

Android app is written in Java programming language (mostly). Java code is compiled together with the resource file data required by the application, where the process is packaged by tools called as “apt tools” into the Android package so that it generates files with apk extension. Apk file that’s what we call the application, and… Continue reading Android App Components

Categorized as java

Architecture of Android Operating System

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was originally developed by Android, Inc., with financial support from Google, which was later purchased in 2005. The operating system was officially released in 2007, in conjunction with the establishment of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium… Continue reading Architecture of Android Operating System

Making Android Applications Using MIT App Inventor 2

Android is one of the most popular operating systems since the end of the Symbian era. An open-source operating system that is supported by an attractive display and allows users to choose free or paid applications are available abundant in the Playstore android. This encourages developers to compete in building their best products for the… Continue reading Making Android Applications Using MIT App Inventor 2

Java: Inversion of Control & Dependency Injection

Talking about features of the framework, In this part I’ll explain the characteristics of the Spring framework called Inversion of Control (IoC), or also called Dependency Injection (DI). This is a key element that needs to be good understanding.