It might be a bit ‘shameful’ for me to tell this but as someone who knows how to code Swift, considering my certificate from Udacity to prove this, I’ve never had the courage to create and deploy an App on the App store, I guess it stem from the perfectionist in me saying that you have to publish the next big large and complex app. I guess reading James Clear’s Atomic Habit does give me that push, a good article excerpt from his book, and I pulled up all the courage and reason with that perfectionist self and here it goes.
Just now I just have released a simple puzzle app, a quick math puzzle, it would challenge with the most basic operation of one digit calculation.
This is a very simple app, it was made utilising SwiftUI framework, where I really enjoyed, comparing with the UIKit and Storyboard. The SwiftUI itself felt really like taking the same approach as React, where we can have the same concept of ‘single source of truth’ or it was a redux or context API, and it’s really simple.
The experience on uploading to the App store itself is quite exciting, there’s some back and forth as I may have ‘missed’ several guideline and may I say that the reviewing process itself is quite amazing, with less than 48 turn around on each submission.
I’m still fixing or more to say adding few feature on the app, some animation and some layout adjustment, i’m getting hooked with simple UI modification lately.
And in case that you would like to take a glance of the app, just click on the app store link on the bottom, and see if you can do 100 streak of correct answer.