It’s been a while that i’ve touched my main homepage, initially it was a basic blog page that that I wanted to put some thoughts and notes, and now after a few years, I was bored and just want to change.
It started by shifting the blog area to my subdomain so that I can retain my old thoughts, and on the main page I have added a new look.
I’ve implemented a short ‘Tadaa’, where from the first view, it just a plain old top banner with just common details. But the show started with clicking of the banner image.
The whole show itself is build using three.js library and with an extensive amazing course from threejs-journey i’ve assemble a pretty good short game.
The front-page itself is initially rendered using a simple react, and once the show is started the main root of react component is hidden to allow the whole canvas to take place.
The whole page is made using Typescript with Vite.js as the building framework. And the content of the models was bought and taken from Sketchfab with a some are made using blender. I wouldn’t say that i’m good with blender, but this project did give me a good overview of how to work with blender, and make a good work pipeline.
There’s still a lot of stuff that needs to be done here, considering after 2 months spent on this project, but I hope this can give a fresh look on my page after these time.