Talking about features of the framework, In this part I’ll explain the characteristics of the Spring framework called Inversion of Control (IoC), or also called Dependency Injection (DI). This is a key element that needs to be good understanding.
Category: lang_en
Preparing Maven on Windows 10
Maven also as known structure automation devices, it is extremely beneficial for java developers in making applications, ranging from job development, referencing outside libraries, collections, making paperwork. Meven is the appropriate companion for developers from starting throughout of the growth, until end of the application procedure.
Swift : Tableview Autoresizing Cell Height
So today i’m going to write a story about IOS tableview which might felt so dull if we used a default implementation, so today the story is about spicing up some tableview. So how it goes First let’s create a new IOS project with Single View App and in the Main Storyboard let’s replace the… Continue reading Swift : Tableview Autoresizing Cell Height
Clean Up
Hmm… Been a while since I have some time to write a thing or two, well actually this side have deviated too much from the initial intent. I can’t say why, maybe too much thing happened in life, an excuse to say life happened ^_^, or perhaps there’s a new member in my family, as… Continue reading Clean Up
New sub-domain added..
Well not much has been added but, at least now I have added my wife’s wordpress, it’s at the indira subdomain of this site, and i think she might have one or two to write there.
First Post, Hello World !
This is my first post on my personal home page, and I don’t have anything to write except, Hello World ! Just finished uploaded this wordpress set up, which was already set up in my mac and was using localhost, where I think everything goes smoothly in movement to this site, since i don’t have… Continue reading First Post, Hello World !